Growth Marketing Services For Industrial Companies

Your ideal customers are using search engines and social media to source suppliers and partners. If they're not finding you, they're finding your competitors. We'll make sure they find you.

Since 2003, we've been working with manufacturing, engineering and tech companies, helping to improve their online visibility and profitability. We invest the time to learn about your business, your markets and your ideal customers, and work with you to achieve your business goals.

Worker welding industrial equipment

Some Of The Fantastic Organisations That We Work With

The Landscape Has Changed 

Exhibiting at trade shows, cold-calling and networking are still valid tactics, but there’s no getting around the fact that people trying to solve a problem turn to the internet first.

To win new business at the pace required to sustain medium- and long-term growth, you need to get in front of those people – and persuade them that you have a credible solution to the problem they’re wrestling with. 

In simple terms, you need a well-oiled marketing machine that prioritises the right prospects, showcases a real understanding of their pain points, establishes your credentials, and paints a compelling picture about your ability to deliver real value.

12in RTP valve changeout - STATS Group
48in Isolation Joint (IJ) Removed - STAT Group

Industrial Marketing Isn't Rocket Science. But...

Building a well-oiled marketing machine for manufacturing businesses isn’t overly complicated. On the face of it at least, there are tried and true tactics for attracting attention, engaging potential buyers and enticing them to reach out to your sales team. 

But in an increasingly noisy and crowded space, you need to make sure that these tactics are employed carefully: That the website you’re showing people stands a fighting chance of converting prospects, and that you’re not making one of the innumerable mistakes that can cripple industrial marketing campaigns before they build a head of steam. 

That’s where we come in. First established in 2002, we’re an integrated manufacturing marketing agency that has spent the last 20 (odd) years developing a process that delivers for businesses like yours.

To be clear, that’s 20+ years honing our ability to build and market compelling industrial websites for companies with a complex product or service offering, and a laser-like focus on revenue. 

Now this is working well and growing, we get qualified leads every week. This corresponds to many hours of traditional telephone or mail campaigns.

Yann Le Guyader

Master Industrie

Blue and Green seats in a stadium
Industrial and retail mezzanine floor installations
Marketing for the industrial sector

We Understand Engineering & Technology

Our agency was formed by an engineer, and since our inception in 2003, we've worked with engineering and tech companies. If you choose to work with us, you'll be working with a marketing agency that understands engineering and technology and that brings many benefits, including:

  • Speaking the Same Language: Technical jargon and nuances can easily fly over the heads of marketers unfamiliar with the industry. An agency with an engineering/tech background understands your world and will create clear, compelling messaging that resonates with your target audience.
  • Content Creation with Credibility:. Developing accurate and informative content (like blog posts and white papers) is crucial for attracting and educating potential customers. An agency with our technical expertise can create content that showcases your engineering credentials and positions you as a thought leader.
  • Understanding the Buyer's Journey: We understand engineers' and tech professionals' decision-making processes. This means we can craft marketing campaigns that address specific pain points and guide potential customers through the buying process.
  • Leveraging the Latest Technologies: Marketing in the tech industry requires staying ahead of the curve. An agency that understands the latest marketing technologies can integrate them into your campaign, maximising its reach and impact.

In short, an agency with an engineering/tech background can become a true partner, working alongside you to develop a strategic marketing campaign that speaks directly to your target audience, showcases your technical expertise, and drives real business results.

Spotlight On Some Of Our Industrial Marketing Clients

USS homepage and google search console data

United Storage Systems

USS are a family-owned engineering company who've been in business for over 40 years. They approached us because they needed a specialist manufacturing marketing agency to help them evolve and grow. We helped them rebrand, built them a lead-gen website and worked with them to write and publish a significant amount of web content to improve their digital footprint.

We continue to work with USS on their SEO and PPC campaigns, and the site now generates a steady stream of high-value enquiries. You can see the website here.

Fresh leads every week, from a business asset that's helped them to expand into new markets

STATS Group landing page design showing Hubspot HubL code behind


STATS Group engineer pipeline isolation solutions for the oil and gas industry. They approached us because they wanted to get more value out of their HubSpot website, which cost a lot to build and wasn't generating as many leads as they'd have liked. 

We 're now working with STATS on a program of work to improve storytelling on some of their key product and service pages, boost search performance and improve their website's lead gen capabilities. 

Visit one of our new landing pages here.

Strategic lead generation for a market-leading engineering company.



Formerly Solids Control Services, Separo came to us because they wanted to establish themselves as a market leader in their space, and needed an industrial marketing partner that could support their ambitious growth plans. 

We rebranded the business, worked with them to develop a lead gen website that told the right story about their offering, and then worked with internal stakeholders to build out copy that significantly improved their digital footprint. You can visit the website here

A new brand, and a web presence capable of supporting ambitious growth plans.


Hoover Pumping

Florida-based pump station specialists, Hoover have always had to fight for market share. Their space is incredibly competitive, and they're often forced to bid against companies that offer a significantly less thorough and exacting service

We built Hoover a website that reinforces their core value proposition and differentiates them from their competitors. Over the last five years, we've also significantly improved their digital footprint and Hoover now get a steady stream of high-value enquiries from their website.

You can see the site here.

A long term engagement that delivers a steady stream of leads.

Glacier website and analytics data

Glacier Energy

We've been working with Glacier energy for several years now. As their industrial marketing partner, we've helped them to develop the look and feel of their website, managed their SEM campaigns and worked to ensure that their sales team always have a steady stream of leads.

We're currently supporting Glacier as they transition to the renewable energy sector. You can view their website here.

A website with solid search presence that generates leads every day.


Subsea 7

Subsea 7 asked us to build an attractive and engaging lead-gen website for their specialist offshore inspecton, repair and maintenance (IRM) division.

This website needed to be managed in-house, so we built them a user-friendly and highly-adaptable site that could be changed as the business developed.

We built the site to a tight deadline, and continue to offer technical help and support some seven years after it was launched. View the site here.

A website with solid search presence that generates leads every day.

An Established Process, Based On Chemistry

When it comes to marketing industrial sector clients, we have a proven process that we use to drive sustainable medium- and long- term growth.

We start with an in-depth discovery session that we use to get up to speed with your business, your offering and your pain points. We also audit your website and review both you and your competitor's marketing activities so that we can start working out what it'll take to get you results.

For some clients, this is a full re-brand or website overhaul, followed by a protracted SEO campaign designed to build brand awareness and generate enquiries. 

For others, it's a more targeted PPC marketing campaign designed to test the waters, and let us experiment with messaging. Industrial sector clients also leverage our impressive in-house video capabilities, our podcast production expertise or digital PR offering. 

It's not really about the tactics though: As a full-service digital agency, we're more than capable of doing whatever's needed to move the dial. The important thing is building a robust strategy that allows us to use tactics effectively, and drive the revenue growth you need to see. 

Oil rig decommissioning from Separo's website
Separo - Sepsorb technology
Hoover internal team meeting
Business Chart Diagram On Iad

Are We The Right Industrial Marketing Agency For You?

The short answer? We might be, and a quick chat's the best way to find out.

We're one of a small handful of specialist industrial marketing agencies currently operating in the UK, and have a proven ability to grow B2B manufacturing and engineering businesses via the web. 

We know how to market complex products to time-poor customers, we're adept at helping you communicate the value of marketing initiatives to a sceptical board, and we know how to help you generate tangible results that justify your marketing spend.

More importantly, we love a challenge and we're very happy to have a grown-up conversation about any opportunity where we'll be tasked with solving problems and having a positive impact.

Ready To Discuss Your Marketing Requirements?

Please use this form to tell us about your requirements. If you don't like filling in forms and you'd prefer to simply book a Zoom chat, please use our online booking service or call us.

What Happens Next?

Once you've made contact and we've arranged a time for a chat, we'll discuss your requirements or the problem you need to solve and establish if we're the right team to help you.